News & Noteworthy

Learn how Art Works in Si Kahn’s June Newsletter

Learn how Art Works in Si Kahn’s June Newsletter

Ken Grossinger's powerful forthcoming book Art Works provides the focus for Si Kahn's June Newsletter. The late Harry Belafonte wrote “My life as an activist and my life as an artist are inseparable. Ken Grossinger reveals the power generated when these two strands...

Scottish MP selects Si’s song for his funeral

Scottish MP selects Si’s song for his funeral

"It is a song that was written by an American folk musician called Si Kahn. It is a song that Dick Gaughan always used to open with. It’s called What You Do With What You’ve Got. The chorus goes: 'It’s not just what you’re born with, it’s what you chose to bear, it’s...

My Video For Pete’s Sake Donate May 3 2022

My Video For Pete’s Sake Donate May 3 2022 #ForPetesSakeDonate Participate in the FAI For Pete's Sake, Donate! campaign Join me in making a simple folk song video for Pete Seeger's May 3 birth anniversary Now, as to why I made this video of "The House Carpenter," a...

For Pete’s Sake – Donate

For Pete’s Sake – Donate I am proud to share that I’m joining Folk Alliance International as a Champion for the #ForPetesSakeDonate campaign in support of The Village Fund. In this role, I am asking you to join me in this campaign. Your task is simple....

An Indepth conversation with Si Kahn

An Indepth conversation with Si Kahn

Enjoy Si's November 2016 three-part video conversation with folklorist Steve Winick of the Library of Congress.,+stephen%7Ccontributor:kahn,+si

Si wishes everyone all the best for the New Year

Si wishes everyone all the best for the New Year

From Si's occasional (every 2 to 4 weeks) enewsletter. Subscribe here.All the best for the New YearHere’s a toast to the New Year, and to all of you for whom my music has mattered. May 2022 be a happy, musical year for you and yours, with a little more peace and...

Victory in Bristol Bay!

Victory in Bristol Bay!

Thursday, September 9, 2021 What they’re talking about is the proposed Pebble Mine, my major organizing work since 2010, when Bristol Bay commercial fisherman Dan Strickland invited me to come to Alaska to write a theme song for the campaign to stop the mine and to...

Read Si Kahn’s July 1st eBlast

Read Si Kahn’s July 1st eBlast

Kamau Marcharia is one of the unsung heroes of the Southern Movement.  Thursday, July 1, 2021 In the Beloved Community, We Take Care of Our Own Support Kamau The phrase “beloved community,” which so many of us learned from the beautiful, powerful rhetoric of...

Si’s Telling Stories Again on January 26th

Si’s Telling Stories Again on January 26th You probably already know this.  But when someone in Appalachia or the Deep South says to you, “You’ve been telling stories again,” they’re basically telling you that you’re...