The Alliance for Jewish Theatre conference curators selected Si’s musical play Stranger in This Land for the first of only three virtual performance segments at its three-day virtual conference on October 24-26.
Stranger in This Land answers the eternal question: What do the following have in common: Soldiers in the Czar’s army, shoe factory workers, gas station operators, rabbis, civil rights leaders, pick and shovel laborers on the Canadian Pacific Railroad, Jewish faith healers, illegal immigrants, hod carriers, bootleggers, a soldier in the trenches of World War I, Talmudic scholars, and a driver for Al Capone?
They’re all among the older generations of Si Kahn’s Polish/Russian/Lithuanian/Austrian Jewish family, stretching back to the 19th century and his great-great-grandmother.
With special appearances by (in more or less alphabetical order): the Angel of Death, the Black Plague, gold cigar cutters, corned beef, Cossacks, the Czar, the “Goldene Medina” (“Golden Land”), the Italian mob, the Jewish mob, the Kaddish, Emma Lazarus, Miami Beach, miracles, pastrami, pogroms, Pete Seeger, shrimp-wrapped bacon, and the Statue of Liberty.
If you are interested in learning more about the Alliance for Jewish Theatre, go to https://alljewishtheatre.org/conference/
Stranger in This Land is available for production. Serious inquiries can be made to sikahn75@earthlink.net.