Si’s Interview on Wade’s World

Jun 25, 2014

KABFSi Kahn was recently interviewed on “Wade’s World,” working as he always does to spread the word about the fight to stop the proposed Pebble Mine and to protect Alaska’s Bristol Bay forever.

“Wade’s World,” is the radio interview show hosted by legendary organizer Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN, on KABF-FM, sending out 100,000 watts of activist energy from Little Rock, Arkansas.

Today, in the spirit of democracy, we’re offering you two different click options:

CLICK HERE to hear the interview. (The first 15 minute segment is all about Bristol Bay and Musicians United).

CLICK HERE to…oh, you know what we’re going to say: CLICK HERE to celebrate Si’s 70th birthday with a donation to Musicians United before we close that campaign on June 30.

Thanks for who you are and what you do.

In Solidarity & Music,
Si Kahn and the Musicians United Team